Adventures in Milking Charlotte: Day 6- She Left Me

Charlotte cows Milking cows

I’ve been milking at about 9 every morning. I almost feel lazy doing so but it has been working so well for us. I can get the kids ready and to school and then have time to enjoy the cows and my coffee rather than rush through everything.

This morning I had to milk early which was fine. It was still dark out so I brought her in the barn fully expecting not to tie her but just hoping that she’d at least stand and eat in the light while I milked.

Really it went quite well. I was almost to the gallon mark which is about average for her so far. I don’t separate Charlotte and Bernadette so there isn’t much more milk to be had at the moment. All in all everything was going fine, until I saw her lift her head.

She looked left and right and then left again. 

And then she left. She just walked right back out of the barn.

There I was standing there with my pail almost full. All I could do was wave “Thanks! Have a great day!” with a laugh. “So I guess we’re done here.”


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