Last Sunday I had let Grace (the donkey) and Charlotte (the jersey heifer) out in the yard to enjoy some fresh grass. They’re both wonderfully tame and great with the kids so I don’t worry too much about the kids in the pen or the animals out.
I was working outside so I could keep an eye on them. I didn’t want them to venture down the driveway to the road.
It had been a day and it wasn’t even afternoon. I had four “helpers” to clean the chicken coop. We’ve got 55 fat meat birds that are, well, gross. I really don’t like them when they get close to the end. They’re big, messy and they don’t get out of the way for feeding or pen cleaning. Bleh.
Anyways, I had let Grace out to wander the same time we cut a tree down in the front yard. Well, she apparently made a run for it when the tree went down.
I was walking down my neighbors driveway laughing to myself, “I have literally lost my ass.” Yep! That was my afternoon. We had a nice walk home together. Twice.
Honestly though, Grace is way too sweet to be called an ass. We love her.